Our Mission
Agape Christian Fellowship is a Bible Teaching church designed to Equip the body of Christ to Rightly Divide (interpret) the Word; to Worship God in Spirit and truth; Live godly lives; to Cope with the issues of life; to Evangelize and Impact the community; and to Inspire hope in an ever-changing world.
Our Vision
Each member will know what he/she believes and be able to effectively express it (share with others). Know the reason for the hope that is within them.
Each member will know God’s will and purpose for his/her life.
Each member seeks to live a transformed life (Spirit led)
Establish an environment of unity and caring for one another.
Each member will discover his / her gift/s and use them to serve the body and glorify God.
Increase church membership and church attendance.
Attract young families and build a strong youth and young adult ministry.
Be a viable presence in the community through outreach and evangelism. Connect with other ministries in the community.
We invite you to worship with us, whenever you are in the great city of Los Angeles, California. Click on the “Service Time“
link for more information. We believe that your presence with us is sure to be a blessing, so come and join us for a wonderful time of praise, worship and fellowship.
Thank you for your interest in Agape Christian Fellowship. If you don’t find an answer, please contact us using our Contact form. We look forward to seeing you again online and in one of our services.
God bless you!
Agape Christian Fellowship believes:
- The Bible is the inerrant inspired Word of God.
- God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- The lordship of Jesus Christ and the Spirit controlled life.
- The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Man is sinful and is in need of Salvation through Jesus Christ
- The Church is the universal body of Christ.
- The discipleship of believers.
- Proclamation and expository teaching of the Scripture.
- Eternal judgment and rewards.
- Water baptism by immersion.
We believe that water baptism by immersion is a public representation where one identifies with Christ. We
welcome all individuals to participate provided you have confessed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God as stated
in Acts 8:37 and received Him as your Savior. Baptisms are scheduled in advance as needed.
Child Dedication
We believe that one must first believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God according to Acts 8:37 in order to be
baptized. We do, however, conduct child dedications where family, friends, and the entire church body joins the
pastor in prayer over the child for protection, health, spiritual growth, and to become a blessing to others.
Dedications are scheduled in advance and are held during the Sunday service.
We are so grateful for your interest in supporting the Ministry of Agape Christian Fellowship.
A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated.
If you desire to give by check, please make it payable to:
Agape Christian Fellowship
and mail it to:
12700 Main St – Los Angeles, CA 90061
You may also go to PayPal.com to make your donation.
Make your donation payable to agapefaithone@gmail.com.
May God richly bless you for your generosity!
Thank you for connecting with us! We, the Agape family want you to know that we are here for you . If you have a question about our ministry, need help with solving a problem, or any other question, contact us by using the attached form.
We will get back with you as soon as possible.
If you would like us to pray for you, please submit a prayer request form.
Email Us: agapefaithone@gmail.com
Call Us: (323)-757-0254
Visit Us: 12700 Main Street – Los Angeles, CA 90061
Let us pray with you, by submitting a prayer request below. The Word of God tells us to “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-17